Both the beast and I have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; the Beast and I will be attacking and exposing the corruption of our domestic enemies: the United States Legal System and the Democratic Party. If you think the Antichrist is evil wait until you see this evil.
The Monthly Insights – Something to Thinking About.
- January 2024 Antichrist Messages ***
- February 2024 Antichrist Messages ***
- March 2024 Antichrist Messages ***
- April 2024 Antichrist Messages ***
- May 2024 Antichrist Messages ***
- June 2024 Antichrist Messages ***
- July 2024 Antichrist Messages ***
- August Messages 8-1-2024 Last messages for awhile, sorry.
The world is out of control people. Out of control with propaganda news, outrageous opinions, duress testimony, brainwashing, misleading advertising, big money lobbyists, biased fact checking, myth beliefs, life/asset destruction, absolute corruption, outright lies, too many biased attorneys and judges, legal systems end-running the United States Constitution like allowing states to pass expo facto laws, main street media only favoring one political party, DOJ and FBI favoring one political party, some defendants don’t have enough money to defend themselves against prosecutors who have an unlimited money funds to convict, pro se litigants are not treated fairly, there is a law which states you cannot sue any judge in his/her official courtroom rulings, even if he or she violates your constitutional rights when ruling in their courtroom. We are controlled by these fucking evil elites. Do we need a government to tell us what is good for us or bad for us and if you disagree with them you will be arrested? Do we need any government state or federal making laws telling us what medical procedures we can do? No one should have that right except you. Do we need government policies that only serve one political party? So, I’m starting to wonder if some America people are brain dead or just don’t give a shit.
Get FUCKING real people; your religious fantasies are not working properly. I have looked at 26 gods they’re all FUCKING nuts and they are all just fantasies. And since you all believe there’s an Antichrist, I claimed that, Fantasy Title. I wish there were a real God that could communicate and had some kind of power that would work for me. The Christian God got me with his best plan which was to torture his only begotten son and then kill him and somehow became a ghost and goes to heaven. If that is the best plan forget about this God: anyway, who thinks up this shit? The rest of the religions and their gods are just as bad or worse.
For America: right now, your God has taken a back seat because he obviously can’t fight the corruption going on, the evil brainwashing that is going on, can’t fix a fucked legal system, and can’t stop the blackmailing fucks who are forced into reverse testimony. Many of you religious people have given the government absolute power which has led to absolute corruption. Why there are so many of you, that can’t see the corruption, the brainwashing, crooked attorneys and judges in our court system, the blackmailing is mind-boggling.
If you people let Kamala Harris become president of the United States, we’re FUCKED. She will only take orders from Obama and Hillary which is more of the same. The United States of America now feels and looks like a fantasy from hell. S0 If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck it’s probably a fucking duck.
I’m not going to write articles until you people decide who’s the president of the United States, until then I don’t know if I will continue. Maybe your religious prophets or God want to see World War III, but I don’t find these views very exciting. If any God wants to help me fix this shit bring it on.
Yours Truly,
The Antichrist
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